Will My Barcodes Have a Company Prefix?
If you purchase 1 barcode number, then you will not be supplied with a company prefix (no barcode company supplies this).
However, if you wish to purchase barcodes in lots of 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 barcodes from us, then they will have a unique company prefix.
The length of the company prefix will be dependent upon how many variations are required to make a total of 13 digits.
For example – if you purchase 10 barcode numbers, then of the 13 digits, the first 11 will be your company prefix, the 12th digit will vary from 0-9 (giving you 10 different barcode numbers), and the last digit is a calculated checksum.
Similarly, if you purchase 20 barcode numbers, you will get 2 company prefixes (giving 10 barcodes for each).
If you purchase 100 barcode numbers, then of the 13 digits, the first 10 will be your company prefix, the 11th & 12th digits will vary from 00-99 (giving you 100 different barcode numbers), and the last digit is a calculated checksum.
Barcodes can be purchased here.
Look here for CD barcodes, DVD barcodes, ISBN book barcodes and ISSN magazine barcodes.